What is the “Quest for Discipleship”?
The quest for discipleship is a spiritual journey for those who desire to go beyond church attendance; those who have a desire to know more about God and His Word; those who have a desire to know more about life and living. As an ordained pastor, called by God, you might think this would be a natural desire; but I don’t agree. There is a significant difference between head knowledge and heart knowledge.
One can listen to sermons and attend Bible Studies to gain and not necessarily retain knowledge about God, but it is not until that knowledge drops about 18 inches to the heart that we truly begin to know God.
For me personally, my “quest” began one weekend while reading the book “Believing God” by Beth Moore. In this book, there are four very significant chapters. The first was titled “Believing God is who He says He is.” The second was “Believing God can do what He says He can do.” The third was “Believing that I am who God says I am.” And the fourth was “Believing that I can do all things through Christ Jesus”. These were so powerful for me that (with her permission) I began to use them as a “statement of Faith” in my church as well as my own life. In fact, they are what stirred within me the desire to write my books and to teach others willing to seek their own quest for discipleship.
The Quest for Discipleship begins with my book “Jars of Clay” which is what I would call a “potter and clay” example to explain who you really are, and why you are who God says you are!
The second book in the series is "Tell me, Show me, Fill me, Change me". This book is all about God and getting to know Him better. It is the "God is who He says He is" part of the quest.
The third book in the series is titled, "Prayer Changes Things". This book is all about communicating with God and the power of prayer.
The fourth book, of course, is "In it for Life" My “quest” began with “In It for Life”, which is the first book that I wrote, that is all about the discipleship journey from beginning to end. The fact is, it is a life-long journey. However, this book actually became the fourth in the series, "Quest for Discipleship".
The fifth book is "Principles from Proverbs" Thirteen natural, truthful, biblical and wise principles to understand and live by in order to have a happy abundant life.
The sixth and last book in the series is "The Promised Gift" It is about Pentecost and why the coming of the Holy Spirit is the second most important part of our relationship with Almighty God. It explains the ministry of the Holy Spirit in us; in the church; and in the world.
Some other books that I have published are;
“By His Hand” which is all about lessons I learned in my own journey, and the fact that God’s hand is always moving in, out, and around everything in our lives. The things that we experience are pieces of our puzzle of which only God knows what the complete picture looks like.
“Show and Tell” describes exactly that; if we call ourselves Christians, followers of Christ, then it ought to show and we ought to be able to tell of our experiences with God in our lives.
“T.E.A.M.” is a church growth as well as a personal growth book on how and why we are really a T.E.A.M. It is a good study for church boards or those involved in leadership roles in the church.
“From the Pastor’s Desk” and my eighth book “More from the Pastor’s Desk” are a compilation of my favorite and best messages (according to my congregations and my wife) that are sort of a legacy to my children and grandchildren. These are messages that I would put a star on and save in my files over the years as a pastor.
“The Kingdom of God” is all about God’s desire to build His Kingdom from the very start in Genesis and how he completes His Kingdom in the Book of Revelation. It is also about the four kingdoms spoken of in His Word; the unseen spiritual kingdom all around us; the kingdom of God that Jesus said was “within us”; the heavenly kingdom; and the kingdom to come.
“Let Earth Receive Her King” is a collection of Advent and Christmas ideas for indivi-duals as well as pastors. These are also some of my favorites.
“Therefore”. It’s a look at what is said previous to the word, as well as what follows the word in scripture, which makes for an interesting study by which to further our growth into God’s Word.
"God's Top Ten" a personal look at the Ten Commandments.
The "Five R's of Revelation" A scriptural journey toward heaven through the revelations given to Peter, Paul, and John as they try to paint a picture of the life to come. It is the “blessed hope” of all Christians and the call of Jesus to “whosoever believes”. It is all about the Revelation, the Returns, the Rapture, the Resurrections, and the Rewards.
All sixteen books fit somewhere within the four statements of faith I have come to believe and live by. I have prepared and delivered all of these in sermon or in study form throughout the years of my ministry. I am Rev. Fred, and I approve this message!